
If you are 18 or older and have a referral for a COLPOSCOPY based on an Abnormal Pap Test completed within the past 120 days, you may qualify for our study.
You cannot be pregnant, or currently menstruating on the day of your COLPO (we can reschedule). You also cannot have had a hysterectomy in which your cervix was removed.
A Pap Smear is a cervical cancer screening test. If you have an abnormal pap test, you may be referred for further screening to determine if you indeed have cervical cancer. A Colposcopy is the next test to determine if you have a stage of cervical cancer.
A colposcopy allows the doctor to examine your vulva, vagina and cervic using a magnifying scope. This magnification lets your doctor better evaluate any irregular cells.

Cervical cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in women worldwide (~700,000 cases/year) and one of the leading causes of cancer-related mortality in women in developing countries (~311,000 cases/year), ranking number two in incidence for U.S. women between 20-39 years. Like most cancers, cervical cancer is more easily treated if diagnosed early, and the uterine cervix is one of the few cancer-afflicted organs that can be accessed and visualized in a non-invasive manner. If detected in its pre-cancerous state, most cervical cancers can be prevented. The incidence of cervical cancer is on the decline in more developed countries, largely due to implementation of the conventional Papanicolaou (Pap) test. If your Pap test comes back as abnormal, it does not necessarily mean you have cervical cancer, but it does mean you should follow your Doctor's guidelines about coming in for additional testing (colposcopy).

About the Study
In addition to performing our office's routine Colposcopy, we will be using a innovative cervical scan to determine if that scan is efficacious in determining the likelihood of CIN2+ in women scheduled for Colposcopy.
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